Saturday, February 14, 2009

Family gatherings are wondeful

Have a great day

Great Day= Valentines Day

Valentine's Day

Visit from Dean, Deanna and Nathan& ValentineDay.

We had a wonderful visit with Dean and his family. They went to Solitude yesterday and skied all day and had great weather. Mother fixed dinner and we had a joyful evening and Nathan Nathan went for a quick swim in the pool. Caitlin and Nare came with Saxon and Bridger and Mike drove them over and we had a delightful evening. Today is Valentine's Day. Dean and Deanna and their family went up to Brighton to ski. They will be coming home shortly.

While they were skiing, Dan and Amy and Ivan came over for lunch and we enjoyed them and then they went to the U. of U to see the Utes play Airforce. Whenever Dean comes to town, their is full time motion and he's full of energy and he energizes everyone else. So glad to have him around.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Jeff and Megan.

Congratulations on becoming engaged!
Plans to be married in the LDS temple.
(Grandma, Megan, Jeff, Bridger).

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tyler Haws-12 years of age.

Tyler Haws;

Tyler is our oldest great grandson a handsome boy who turned 12 years of age. When his mother Renee as twelve years of age she was tending her many cousins and enjoying every minute if that time. She grew to become a lovely mother and since she is also our first grand-daughter to give us our first great grandchild and that is Tyler. He was born on "ole Abraham Lincoln's birthday and when I was young we referred to Ole' Abe as honest Abe. Now We can refer to Tyler as young and honest Tyler Haws.

Another jewel in our cap and a blessing evermore.

He will receive the Aaronic Priesthood and be ordained a Deacon by his father Scott Haws and we have been invited to that ordination. We thank you, Scott & Renee.

All of you have blessed our lives and we appreciate everyone of you.

And we love all of you and see the beauty of each of your families.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Looking forward

My friends and our family are anxiously waiting for the snow to melt and enjoy the spring and summer activities. Golf and horse riding.

Family and friends in the Midest and the West

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Great Grandchildren are great

Jim welcomed a beautiful baby girl Tehya to their family. He now has 12 granchildren and some of them are playing a keen game of basketball. They have talented examples to teach them. Parker and Peyton handle the ball very well. If you are in the midwest you can see how they have developed and improved their skills. Keep it up boys and they have good support from their mother and their two sisters and are they cute.
Great grandmother and I have seen Lisa play on the Skyline basketball team and last week they won by two points. Lisa is noted for her rebounding skills. The team plays well together.
We also saw Adam Haws' team win about 29 to 18 and Adam scored 16 points. He handles the ball very well, has made a few three pointers and is a smart player also.